Sunday 10 October 2010

Get stuck in with Buried...

Buried Trailer

I saw Buried last tuesday at the local Odeon, I had fairly high hopes for it as me and my friend had been speaking about it for the past few days, it was only us two as we couldn't convince anyone to take the chance of seeing this indie film that no one really knew much about. It seems most other people had this same issue too as when we walked into screen 8 (a fairly big screen) it was empty, not a soul. After a few minutes four more people strolled in making noise and messing around, no doubt they wern't here as movie fans. With six seats taken out of roughly one hundred the film began.

It starts with Paul Conrey (Ryan Reynolds) waking up and realising the situation he is in, the next 96 minutes are filled with raw emotion such as hope, sadness, anger and fear. Achieving all this in a film that only consists of a man stuck in a box is nothing short of amxing, which is lucky, as it could have been awful.

It has earned a considerable amount of critical acclaim with Total Film giving it 4 out of 5 stars and yet another 4 out of 5 from Empire. These ratings being more trustworthy then the people that gave it only 3 out of 5 on the ODEON website.

To conclude, this is a movie well worth watching if you enjoy indie movies and can handle a movie that doesn't have either a car/boat/plane/helicopter/any other forms of transportation blowing up every five minutes but replaces it with a solid performance by Reynolds and a well made film.

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